Jeanette's Protocols & resources


“I didn’t get the bulls eye rash so by the time I tried antibiotics, it was really too late. However, I did try some antibiotics in IV form but it just made me more ill. I couldn’t eat or even drink water.”– – Jeanette O. on the window for effective antibiotic use with Lyme disease.

Cited from the CDC’s website, “People treated with appropriate antibiotics in the early stages of Lyme disease usually recover rapidly and completely. Antibiotics commonly used for oral treatment include doxycycline, amoxicillin, orcefuroxime axetil.”


“The BX treatment center in Cancun provided a sublingual spray. It didn’t work for me and my skin had a major reaction. This treatment was about $18,000.00 and I am left with a major skin discoloration on my lower back.” – – Jeanette O.s personal experience with BX for Lyme disease.


“I highly recommend colonics to cleanse your body of residue from medications, IVs, etc, Colonics are great for flushing out toxins from the body.” – – Jeanette O. on repairing the body from effects of Lyme disease.


“You are what you eat! Based on my experience conquering Lyme disease, I would keep these four things in mind: specific medicinal mushrooms, organic cannabis (CBD), leafy organic greens, and zero sugar.” – – Jeanette O. on nutrition while battling Lyme disease.

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“Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy helped me in many ways. I received immediate relief of pain. Overall, it helped me sleep and I had more energy.” – – Jeanette O. on initial Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy use.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has been referenced in treatment of Chronic Lyme disease (CLD) since the 1990s. One documented report states, “HBOT at 2.5 ATA with treatment duration of 1.5 hours for 30 sessions was given. In the first 10 sessions of HBOT, nervous-system-associated symptoms such as loss of thinking ability and sleep disorder disappeared. In the second 10 sessions of HBOT, additional nervous system symptoms such as numbness of the extremities and perioribital twitch also disappeared. In the third 10 sessions of HBOT, musculoskeletal system symptoms such as migrating arthralgia also vanished. Overall, completion of 30 sessions of HBOT caused noted longstanding Lyme-disease-related symptoms affecting most of the previously affected bodily areas to disappear.”


“I was fading away. These times were desperate, and I chose to heat my blood to 107 degrees three times to try to kill parasites. I felt better for about 6 weeks, but my symptoms came flooding back. This was a major setback as the treatment cost $20,000.”  – – Jeanette O. on Hyperthermia for Lyme disease.

Hyperthermia is a treatment modality used for Lyme disease and cancer. One account is described online as, “…core body temperature was increased carefully through the use of whole body infra-red-A-irradiation, and held at progressive temperatures until approximately 107 degrees Fahrenheit was reached. This peak temperature was held for 10-30 minutes, and then 106.9 for 90 minutes. The goal was to bring my body above at least 105 degrees (the temperature at which it is believed most strains of Borreliosis are affected).  However, up to 107+ degrees is preferable, if the patient can handle it. This higher temperature is more desirable as it has a better chance of eradicating all strains of Borreliosis and other pathogens that are likely causing illness.” 


“I did many IVs during my journey conquering Lyme disease. From antibiotics to vitamin cocktails, sometimes IVs were 2-3 times a week for months at a time. My veins were so scarred that finding a viable vein in my feet became the only option. It was exhausting plus I wasn’t able to drive myself, so it caused a lot of problems with a 1 ½ hour commute – each way.” – – Jeanette O.on the number of IVs she endured in her nine-year battle conquering Lyme disease.


“I really have to thank my doctor for recommending leeches for pain. Although gross, it WORKED for the pain in my neck that was very severe.” – – Jeanette Orona’s personal experience with leeches for Lyme disease pain.


“Speaking from experience, medicinal mushrooms are a key component to natural self-healing. However, not all medicinal mushrooms are created equal – as you do your research call us for a time-saving recommendation.” – – Jeanette O. on medicinal mushrooms for Lyme disease.

Jeanette O. recommends only one brand of non-psychotropic medicinal mushroom, especially for Lyme disease. This specific medicinal mushroom brand was researched for decades by Universities and has been successfully used by thousands around the world.

Jeanette O. on her experience with medicinal mushrooms for Lyme disease, “I started by adding this unique, non-psychotropic medicinal mushroom powder blend to a small smoothie in the morning and afternoon. To my delight, in 1½ weeks I felt a shift in my energy, my pain was decreasing, and I was happy. I was afraid to get my hopes up and I was surprised that besides a little heavy aching and some diarrhea there was no Herxheimer reaction. Occasionally I increased or reduced servings but never stopped taking it for six months. It was then that I noticed most of my symptoms had disappeared. These symptoms have not returned.” -see mushroom Q&A


Opioids were prescribed early on because the pain was that bad. When you don’t have answers, the doctors prescribe pain meds and send you home with Tamazapam, Vicodin, Hydrocodone – even Ketamine was used for relief. Seriously, it was that or calling the ambulance and going to emergency every week.” – – Jeanette O.’s experience with prescription opioids for the level of excruciating pain associated with Lyme disease.

As seen in the news, there is a national opioid crisis. Opioids killed more people than car accidents in recent years. Prescription opioids are highly effective for pain, but addiction and side effects are a reality for millions. Jeanette reduced prescription opioid use for pain by 98%. Soon she will be prescription opioid-free and Lyme-free!

As a non-habit-forming alternative to prescription opioids, Jeanette was recommended an all-natural, non-invasive healing modality: cannabis. A main phytocannabinoid (plant part) in cannabis, cannabidiol or “CBD”, is non-psychotropic meaning it cannot make a person “high”. This proved to be a direct replacement for some very heavy prescription drugs for Jeanette. She started consuming medical cannabis juice in addition to CBD hemp oil for optimizing her endocannabinoid system; the ECS is a body system in mammals that is responsible for maintaining homeostasis. What happened afterward was an absolute miracle! Jeanette reduced her dependence on prescription opioids.


“Phytocannabinoids helped with my pain & I was finally able to relax some.” – – Jeanette O.’s initial experience with non-psychotropic cannabis juice & hemp oil.

As a non-habit-forming alternative to opioids, Jeanette was recommended a few all-natural, non-invasive healing modalities including cannabis. A main phytocannabinoid (plant part) in cannabis, cannabidiol or “CBD”, is non-psychotropic meaning it cannot make a person “high”. This proved to be a direct replacement for some very heavy prescription drugs for Jeanette. She started consuming medical cannabis juice in addition to CBD hemp oil for optimizing her endocannabinoid system; the ECS is a body system in mammals that is responsible for maintaining homeostasis. What happened afterward was an absolute miracle; Jeanette reduced her dependence on prescription opioids.

For people in non-medical cannabis states, we recommend a very short list of U.S.-based organic hemp-derived cannabidiol (CBD) oil growers/manufacturers. For those in medical cannabis states, you have the best of both worlds with accessing the whole cannabis plant as a healing modality. The rapid return of cannabis to health and healing is a blessing and necessity for the Lyme disease community as well as all other chronic conditions. Know the source – make certain that you are consuming the best quality phytocannabinoids available with seed-to-sale traceability. If you need recommendations, feel free to contact us.


numbness in legs | severe head pressure | headaches | brain fog | light, heat, noise sensitivity | inability to process information | fatigue | anxiety | pain | depression | vertigo | interstitial cystitis | insomnia| bedridden | cannot work | difficulty eating or drinking |weight loss


“Lyme warriors experience differing effects from this debilitating disease. For me, UVL light therapy was not beneficial. I did try it quite a few times to be sure. While it did not help me, it does help some patients.” – – Jeanette O.’s personal experience with UVL therapy.

UV stands for ultraviolet. There are multiple types of UV therapies for Lyme disease. An online source describes it as, “The UV light is said to kill unwanted microbes, and adds oxygen to the system, improving the energy producing activities (oxidative metabolism) at a cellular level, and then elevates the levels of antioxidants capable of fighting free radicals.

During the UVB treatment, a small amount of the patient’s blood is drawn from the body and exposed to ultraviolet energy, then reinfused back into the patient. When the irradiated blood is put back into the patient, this altered form of oxygen circulates throughout the body.”

One maker of UVL treatment systems states their modality, “Emit(s) three wavelengths of light in a unique parallel combination. RED light, UVA light, and GREEN light are issued through a catheter illuminating the passing blood supply.” The difference with this patented unit is that no blood is removed from the body during UV treatment.

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